September 13, 2007

You Might be a Skrull (UPDATED)

UPDATE 9/14--I'M NOT SURE WHY THIS ENTRY DOUBLE POSTED, BUT SINCE WE'VE REPLIES TO BOTH, I'M NOT SURE THAT WE CAN CONSOLIDATE THEM. SO FOR SANITY'S SAKE, PLEASE POST YOUR RESPONSES TO THIS ONE AND IGNORE THE ONE BELOW. IF GLENN CAN WORK HIS MAGIC TO PUT THEM TOGETHER, I'M SURE HE WILL. (Further update: Glenn has locked the comments thread on the other one while he tries to figure out how to migrate them here. Glenn will aslo stop talking about himself in third person any minute now. --GH)

I channel surfed past a clip of Jeff Foxworthy at around the same time I was trying to think of what I'd do for my next "But I Digress."

And I put the two together.

You know his whole "You might be a redneck.." thing? Like, "If your parents met at a family reunion, you might be a redneck." Well, Skrulls have green necks, which is close. So here's the challenge: In the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy, come up with those little hints that might make you come to the realization that you might well be a Skrull. If I get enough of them, I'll make a column out of it.


Posted by Peter David at September 13, 2007 11:40 PM | TrackBack | Other blogs commenting
Posted by: Jeffrey Frawley at September 14, 2007 12:07 AM

You might be a Skrull if...

1. You grasp Mike's nuances on a first reading of his comments...or even on a third.

2. You read any of my comments critical of PAD and say, "Yes, Jeff really hit the nail on the head this time; PAD should be ashamed!"

3. You come to this blog truly believing PAD's point of view will have reversed itself completely to an adoration of the current Administration's brilliant foresight since you read it yesterday.

(Apparently I'm 33% Skrull.)

Posted by: Yorick at September 14, 2007 12:19 AM

"If your parents met at a family reunion, they might be skrulls posing as rednecks."

Posted by: David Hunt at September 14, 2007 12:25 AM

If you believe comic-book monsters are real just because some yokel tells you, you might be a skrull.

Posted by: Queen Anthai at September 14, 2007 01:40 AM

If you are a convient explanation for any continuity error in your universe, you are SO a Skrull.

Posted by: Jay Tea at September 14, 2007 02:24 AM

If you just wish those stupid grooves in your chin would just go away -- and they DO -- you might be a Skrull.


Posted by: Tom Galloway at September 14, 2007 03:53 AM

If your retirement plans involve being, rather than having, a cow, you might be a Skrull.

If you think Jack Kirby artwork is amazingly true to life, you might be a Skrull.

If you feel compelled to attack a television set during any cartoon featuring Cree Summer's voice acting work, you may be a Skrull.

If the most played song on your iPod is Ookla the Mok's Theme Song For Super-Skrull, you may be a Skrull.

If you don't believe in evolution, you may be a Skrull. Or a redneck. This one's kinda hard to tell the difference. (per the Kree-Skrull War, neither the Kree nor Skrull will evolve any further)

Posted by: Brian Dogulas at September 14, 2007 04:36 AM

If your girlfriend only likes you when you are also a girl, you might be a skrull.

Posted by: Tim Lynch at September 14, 2007 04:39 AM

If you forget to check whether your prisoners have parachutes to escape your malfunctioning spaceship, you might be a Skrull.

If John Byrne sees you as the answer to everyone's problems, you might be a Skrull.

If you're a bony structure which houses a brain, then you're just one letter shy of being a Skrull.


Posted by: critter42 at September 14, 2007 06:01 AM

If Galactus calls you an might be a Skrull

If you rooted for the Founders on Star Trek: Deep Space might be a Skrull

If you see nothing wrong with annihilating an entire planet just to kill one might be a Skrull

If you see the Fantastic Four and think "bushleague" might be a Super-Skrull

Posted by: Will "scifantasy" Frank at September 14, 2007 06:33 AM

Reminds me of The Great Luke Ski's You Might Be A Trekkie...

Posted by: Sean Skrullion at September 14, 2007 06:43 AM

If your entire spacefleet, nay, civilization, was stopped in it's evil plans by a walking pretzel, a woman so hot that no one sees her, her brother that's so hot that nobody can stand him, and someone who's taken his Rocky fetish too far, you might be a Skrull.

If you change the name of what you start you're ships with because it sorta sounds like someone that really annoys you, you might be a Skrull.

If you just can never get past He-Man and that stupid floating guy, you might be--oh, wait, that's for Skrulletor.

Posted by: Will at September 14, 2007 08:00 AM

You might be a Skrull if seeing a Kree driving in the lane next to you sends you into a road rage.

You might be a Skrull if you're a vegetarian because you're worried that eating meat might mean that you're actually eating a family member.

Posted by: Pat Nolan at September 14, 2007 08:39 AM

Posted by Pat Nolan at September 14, 2007 12:27 AM
If you have won best costume at Halloween parties for the last 50 years, You might be a Skrull

If you think Lactose intolerance is a religion, you might be a Skrull.

If you think drinking milk is a form of cannibalism, you might be a Skrull

If you cry watching those shows about the crash at Roswell, you might be a Skrull


Posted by: mike "shaggy" g at September 14, 2007 08:55 AM

if you think of the Impossible Man, Douglocke and Morph as "Wannabe's", you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Rudy at September 14, 2007 08:56 AM

If you were rooting for the Martians in Mars Attacks and found the whole movie oddly familiar, you might be a Skrull

Posted by: rudy at September 14, 2007 09:00 AM

If you've been on a super-team where one of your members turned out to be skrull, don't think tht just because of that, you might not be a skrull too!

Posted by: Chris at September 14, 2007 09:16 AM

You might be a skrull if:

You want to bitch slap the Human Torch ever time you see him.

Hearing the name Galactus makes you pee in your pants.

You just hate anyone with blur skin

You think green headed super computers that rule a whole world are

You have to travel 23948234 million miles to attend any sort of a family reunion

Posted by: Dave Van Domelen at September 14, 2007 09:19 AM

If you sigh wistfully every time you see an ad for men's razors that shows people getting a nice, smooth chin, you might be a Skrull.

If "It's Not Easy Being Green" has a permanent place on your iPod, you might be a Skrull.

If your wardrobe is dominated by purple, you might be a Skrull. (Note, this and the previous one also apply to being gamma-irradiated.)

Posted by: Hooper at September 14, 2007 09:28 AM

If the women on your planet are hotter-looking than the men, chances are better than average you might be a skrull.

Posted by: Luigi Novi at September 14, 2007 09:52 AM

-If you've resolved your gender dysphoria not by undergoing major surgery, but just by might be a Skrull.

-If you're favorite films are Sybil and The Three Faces of Eve, and your favorite tv show is The might be a Skrull.

-If every time someone asks you for ID, you have to pull out an entire photo might be a Skrull.

-If you don't quite comprehend why being called "two-faced" is an might be a Skrull.

-If you're a guy, and your response to someone advising you get in touch with your feminine side is "Okay. How's this?" might be a Skrull.

-If you think that someone's written an unauthorized biography of you when first hearing of Joseph Campbell's book, The Hero of a Thousand might be a Skrull.

-If you've ever considered disguising yourself as a door in order to get a cheap thrill every time someone turns the might be a Skrull.

-If the parents where you're from tend use to Transformers toys as props in just about every life lesson they teach to young might be a Skrull.

-If, after you are seen committing a crime, ten different eyewitnesses give ten different descriptions of you to police and sketch artists--and they're all dead-on might be a Skrull.

-If you can single-handedly clean out a single house of their candy on Halloween within a half might be a Skrull.

-If identity theft is just a "harmless prank" where you're might be a Skrull.

-If getting a makeover requires just thinking really might be a Skrull.

-If, during all the scenes featuring the T-1000 in Terminator 2, you found yourself shouting at the screening, "Aw, come on, that's not how it would happen!" might be a Skrull.

-If your resume is several inches thick, and you're only a year out of might be a Skrull.

-If it's customary where you're from to ask someone at a singles bar for a DNA check, just to make sure that they're not some frat boy pulling a might be a Skrull.

-If that gag whereby identical twins go out with the same person by posing as each other is "just child's play" to might be a Skrull.

-If Sybil is

-If grazintooas ib shadayala grox inkumf di'Char fom might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Luigi Novi at September 14, 2007 09:52 AM

Sorry about that aborted second-to-last item above.

Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2007 09:59 AM

If your daughter leases her Barbie Dream House to amphibians.

If you met her mother at an alien abduction.

If carbon-dating often starts with "I'll have what she's having."

Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2007 09:59 AM

If your daughter leases her Barbie Dream House to amphibians.

If you met her mother at an alien abduction.

If carbon-dating often starts with "I'll have what she's having."

Posted by: Alan Wilkinso at September 14, 2007 10:01 AM

If you've collected over 600 different species of Pokemon... then you're either a Skrull or just a jammy bastard with a time machine.

Posted by: Dave Van Domelen at September 14, 2007 10:11 AM

If you've BEEN over 600 different species of might be a Skrull child.

Posted by: Brian Douglas at September 14, 2007 10:11 AM

If someone calls your momma a cow...and they're might be a skrull.

If you invade Iraq after calling it a quagmire, you might be a skrull.

If you join the Avengers and wonder why the X-Men haven't noticed you left, you might be a skrull.

Posted by: JamesLynch at September 14, 2007 10:36 AM

If you have pointy ears but never heard of Star Trek or Lord of the Rings, you just might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Steven Marsh at September 14, 2007 10:38 AM

You might be a green-neck...

* if your real face has been seen by fewer folks than have witnessed J.D. Salinger and Steve Ditko . . . in the same place.

* if a request by your significant other to "start seeing other people" doesn't involve a break-up.

* if you can do a Rich Little impression.

* if your idea of a feel-good heart-warming movie is Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

* if you are almost as good an Elvis impersonator as Nicholas Cage.

* if you're not white but you can reliably hail a taxi.

* if you think the least challenging game show ever is "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" ("Poof; I'm Ted Turner!")

* if you have a bracelet with initials that stand for "What Would Martin Landau Do?"

* if, one day in 1972, you thought it would be funny to show up at Jackie Onassis' house with an ice pack on your head, staggering and saying, "What was =that=?!"

* if you had traumatic changes to your voice, face, body, and mind on a daily basis during puberty. No, wait; that happens to everyone.

Posted by: thejohnwilson at September 14, 2007 10:47 AM

On dating...

If you go through 1000 outfits in 20 minutes while trying to get ready for your date, you might be a female Skrull.

If your girlfriend says "I want to know the real you" and by the end of the night runs out screaming... you might be a Skrull. (Or just really unlucky)

If you go to a night of speed dating, there are only 2 people there and you still have the guaranteed 15 dates in 90 minutes... you might be a Skrull.

If you are going out with the entire cast of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers... you might be a playa Skrull.

Until later

Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2007 11:01 AM

If the TV station where you grew up airs the One Stooge marathon, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Gordon at September 14, 2007 11:34 AM

If your full-time job involves holding up letters on a bill board that reads "Eat More Chicken", you might be a skrull.

Posted by: Bill Mulligan at September 14, 2007 12:21 PM

If you sit around with your buddies and tell "you might be a Dire Wraith if..." jokes and think they're the funniest damn things might be a Skrull.

Posted by: cookiehawk at September 14, 2007 12:25 PM

If Rebecca Romjin’s role in the X-Men films ever made you miss your Mommy…you might be a Skrull. (You might also need help.)

If you think the term ‘Greenhorn’ refers to some new male enhancement medication…you might be a Skrull.

If you thought the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus was going to be a textbook…you might be a Skrull.

If you can claim that Mad Cow Disease runs in your father’s side of the family…you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: The StarWolf at September 14, 2007 12:37 PM

If your dartboard only has one big '4' on it and lots of blaster burns ... you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: mike "shaggy" G at September 14, 2007 12:59 PM

if you think the only earthlings who are worth a damn are Ron Perleman & Eric Stoltz, you might be a Skrull

Posted by: George Tramountanas at September 14, 2007 01:04 PM

1. If you can make sense of DC continuity, you might be a skrull.

2. If you say can you go both ways and really can, you might be a skrull.

3. If you catch yourself singing "It's not easy being green" in the shower, you might be a skrull.

4. If you know where the next issue of "Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine" is, you might be a skrull.

5. If the only "Identity Crisis" you know of is your own, you might be a skrull.

6. If your idea of a lovable companion is Stretch Armstrong, you might be a skrull.

Aw, I wanted to go for ten, but I'll call it quits here...

Posted by: roger Tang at September 14, 2007 01:06 PM
If Rebecca Romjin’s role in the X-Men films ever made you miss your Mommy…you might be a Skrull. (You might also need help.)

Or you have real GOOD family genes...

Posted by: Jerry Chandler at September 14, 2007 02:10 PM

If it's green and penicillin is not the answer, you might be a Skrull.

If you find that you're the answer to years of convoluted and poorly thought out continuity and plotting, you might be a Skrull.

If you're the only girl who'll give The Human Torch the time of day, you might be a Skrull.

If your plans for a "hot" Friday night are turning into a video game machine and hanging out at the local arcade all evening, you might be a perverted Skrull.

If you have tattoos of thirty seven different women on your body and they all say "MOM" under them, you might be a Skrull.

If "Who would you like to be tonight?" isn't just a role playing game, you might be a Skrull.

If "But I thought she was you, Honey." actually works as an excuse, you might be a Skrull (and/or marred to a blond.)

If your wife can then in return actually get away with using But, I thought he was you, Honey." as an excuse, you might be a Skrull.

Skrull divorce lawyers must go through hell. That would have been a funny story for What The... when Marvel was still publishing it. or is it only me?

If the phrase "I don't know who my father is" doesn't necessarily mean that you were raised by a single mother, you might be a Skrull.

and finally (yeah, I know, not soon enough....)

If your dog attacks you when you get home from work everyday because you forgot to change, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Jerry Chandler at September 14, 2007 02:25 PM

If your reaction to seeing The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao was to dismissively sneer, "Amateur!" during the credits, the you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: JosephW at September 14, 2007 02:57 PM

Posted by PAD:

Come now, PAD. You REALLY don't know why this entry double-posted? REALLY?
I'd have thought it was rather obvious, given the topic at hand.
Everyone be warned: This second post is a Skrull.

Posted by: Luke K. Walsh at September 14, 2007 04:41 PM

If you've recently begun hunting down heroes, imprisoning them in other-dimensional prisons, launching them into space - all "for the good of the world" - and generally behaving like a fascist jerk, you might be a Skrull. (Or, maybe Immortus is just screwing with your brain again.)

Posted by: Cookiehawk at September 14, 2007 05:07 PM

If you’ve ever had food caught in the crack of your chin…you might be a Skrull.

If you find the term ‘Green with envy’ racially offensive…you might be a Skrull.

If your idea of changing into something more comfortable means actually becoming a couch…you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Bill Mulligan at September 14, 2007 05:35 PM

If you've ever gone to a bar, picked up a woman, took her home, and realized the next morning that it was your very own sister, you might be a Skrull.

Or maybe just a redneck.

Posted by: Glenn Hauman at September 14, 2007 05:45 PM

Amazingly, there's a parallel thread on BendisBoard as well. Highlights:

* If you died during World War 2, but somehow your alive today, and you're in your early 20's...

* If you're in 15 different earth-based comic books a month, while supposedly somewhere in outer space with the rest of the Astonishing X-Men...

* If you have no internal monologue...

* If Joe Quesada hates that you're married...

* If you left the X-men to marry the Black Panther...

* If you keep cloning your dead friends and letting them kill your not-dead friends...

* If you put a bomb in Hulks ship, blowing up Planet Hulk and Hulk's wife...

* If you hate Grant Morrison for creating the Skrull Kill Krew...

* If you found out your nephew was Spider-Man and you didn't have a heart attack...

* If your human ID is Skrull Q. Skrullington, skrullsquire...

And I might as well play along too:

* If you ever tried to convinced Peter Parker to follow the rules after you stole a moon rocket...

Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2007 06:38 PM

When you and Bendis are moderating the same thread at different forums, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2007 07:23 PM

If you grew up leasing your Barbie Dream House to a Megatron, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2007 07:32 PM

If you shrieked seeing Donna Douglas years before that Twilight Zone episode, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Shortdawg at September 14, 2007 08:02 PM

You hear David Bowie's "Changes" on the radio and you, well...CHANGE!

Posted by: Cosmicbard at September 14, 2007 10:58 PM

If you look tough and as hard as rock, but your really just flamey, flexible, often invisible next to others, and hard to put into convincing story lines you might be a Super-Skrull...or Matt Damon.

(Mostly joking...mostly)

Posted by: Jerry Chandler at September 15, 2007 12:27 AM

Glenn Hauman: "Amazingly, there's a parallel thread on BendisBoard as well. Highlights:"

Just read it. Like ours better. ~8?)`

Say, just a thought... Why can't you just cut and past the dupe thread into a comment on this thread? Gotta be the easiest way to copy the posts and get rid of the other thread.

Posted by: Alan Coil at September 15, 2007 12:51 AM

Is a Skrull the same thing as a clone?

Posted by: Ebonstone at September 15, 2007 01:20 AM

If you're impersonating the Skrull who was impersonating might be Rick Jones.

Posted by: Cory at September 15, 2007 02:14 AM

You might be a Skrull if Ron LIm Drew ya.

Posted by: Steve Chung at September 15, 2007 03:06 AM

If you happen to disagree with the song, "It's Not Easy Being Green," then you might well be a Skrull.

If you're a singing frog with a top hat and/or live in Sesame Street, you might well be a Skrull.

If you're a green giant saying "Ho ho ho," and it has nothing to do with vegetables, you might well be a Skrull.

Posted by: vocalyz at September 15, 2007 03:38 AM

If avocados make you horny... you might be a green neck.

Posted by: Josh Pritchett, Jr at September 15, 2007 08:32 AM

Only those truly paying attention will get this one will understand: If you've had the urge to become a cow because a guy with white side burns told you too, you might be a Skrull:-)

Posted by: Mike at September 15, 2007 09:55 AM

If they try to make you fight Reed Richards
You might be a Skrull, Skrull, Skrull
If mostly you're green and your milk makes people mean
We'll know, know, know

If you commit a crime
And if you hideout as a bovine
If they make you fight Captain Mar-Vell
You're a Skrull, Skrull, Skrull

Posted by: Andrew C at September 15, 2007 11:00 AM

If you're eagerly awaiting the new season of "According to Jim" you might be a Skrull.

If you still think there are WMDs in Iraq, you might be a Skrull... (and trying to divert attention from the REAL WMDs on your Skrull-planet!)

If you think Dick Cheney might be a Skrull, you might be on to something. ;-)

Posted by: Steve Chung at September 15, 2007 02:23 PM

If you like spreading spectofish on your bagel, you might well be a Skrull.

If you have no difficulty in planting a flag into hard concrete, then you might well be a Skrull.

If you can never get past the title of "King Creole" without blasting your TV set, you might well be a Skrull.

If all sizes fit you, you might well be a Skrull.

If the song "Am I Blue" makes you paranoid about your neighbors, then you might well be a Skrull.

Posted by: The Mutt at September 15, 2007 03:06 PM

If Norman Osborne is your Baby Daddy...

If you came back from the dead and decided to start dressing like a chubby ninja...

Posted by: The Mutt at September 15, 2007 03:07 PM

If Norman Osborne is your Baby Daddy...

If you came back from the dead and decided to start dressing like a chubby ninja...

Posted by: Sean Scullion at September 15, 2007 06:16 PM

You might be a Skrull(Yeah, it applies to Lord Percy, too, I KNOW, Jerry, SHEEESH!) if, after stating that you're the man of a thousand faces, you're asked how you came to choose the one you've got now.

Posted by: Bill Mulligan at September 15, 2007 06:19 PM

If you always sing "Tarnax IV, Tarnax IV" at Karaoke Night and usually burst into tears by the second might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Jon Roth at September 15, 2007 07:12 PM

If you think that "feet of clay" are a good start...or a turn on...

If you think you should impersonate government officials because they're more popular than superheroes...

If the phrase "Where's the Beef" makes you cry...

If you think that the *real* hero of Terminator 2 was the T-1000...

If you don't see why Plastic man is considered a superhero instead of a regular guy...

If you don't understand why "rubbernecker" is an insult...

If you think that Ronald McDonald is the real enemy...

If you don't see why racial prejudice can't be ended with a little concentration...

If the idea of paying for radical plastic surgery seems as pointless as a pet rock...

If the term "nudist colony" seems like an unecessary repetition...

If you thought that "The Transformers" was a documentary...

If "Hilary has two mommies" seems like every other day of your childhood...

If "you must be at least this tall to go on this ride" makes no sense to you whatsoever as a precaution...

If your ID badge is just a lump of silly putty...and it's perfectly accurate...

If you snarl at Stan Lee as "the father of modern day propaganda..."

If you think that turning into the Hulk is "a good start, just need's a little work..."

Posted by: Jerry Chandler at September 16, 2007 02:20 AM

(Further update: Glenn has locked the comments thread on the other one while he tries to figure out how to migrate them here. Glenn will aslo stop talking about himself in third person any minute now. --GH)

Well, how's this for the lazy way of doing it?


If it works for you, cool. If not, just delete this post.

Oh, I did cut Pat Nolan's post as he already re-posted it above.

Comments: You Might be a Skrull

Posted by Steve Chung at September 14, 2007 12:04 AM
If you happen to have a starship in your garage, you might well be a Skrull.

If your pointed ears keep popping through your baseball cap at games, you might well be a Skrull.

If you happen to look green with envy, and you're not feeling particularly envious, you might well be a Skrull.

If your entire wardrobe favors dark purple, you might well be a Skrull.

If you never seem to be out of shape, you might well be a Skrull.

Posted by Don MacPherson at September 14, 2007 12:08 AM
If you have extra chins but they're vertical rather than horizontal, you might be a Skrull.

If you were once a cow (literally), you might be a Skrull.

If you think Yoda is hot, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by NoelCT at September 14, 2007 12:12 AM
If you keep knicking the ridges while shaving your chin, you might be a skrull.

If you keep invading earth just for the hell of it, you might be a skrull.

If you go from a hot chick named Candy to a bald greaser named Tubbs in the blink of an eye, you might be a skrull.

If your definition of "super" is the ability to kick someone in the nuts with a rubber-rocky flaming invisible leg, you might be a skrull.

Posted by cookiehawk at September 14, 2007 12:15 AM
If concentration is all you need to stay in might be a greenneck.

Posted by cookiehawk at September 14, 2007 12:24 AM
If you've ever accidentally changed your hair color by might be a green neck.

If you've ever said "Don't I know you?" to your own might be a green neck.

Posted by Lee Houston, Junior at September 14, 2007 12:34 AM
If you are used as a convinent scrape goat by a major comic book company to end an ill-conceived major storyline, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by Stan Nerhaugen at September 14, 2007 12:59 AM
If your Mom is also your Dad, you might be a green-neck

Posted by cookiehawk at September 14, 2007 01:29 AM
If you've ever asked "Does this species make me look fat?" might be a green neck.

If the phrase "Just be yourself" makes you stop and might be a green neck.

If a case of the hiccups has ever increased the size of your might be a green neck.

Posted by Neil Robertson at September 14, 2007 02:04 AM
If you're a Martian crimefighter who recently developed vertical ridges in your chin, Dan Didio thinks you might be a Skrull.

Posted by df2506 at September 14, 2007 02:20 AM

If you're name is George W. Bush, you might be a Skrull.

If you once went out with Johnny Storm, you might be a Skrull.

If you're green, you might be a Skrull...or She-Hulk or the Hulk or..

If you like the name Skrull, you just might be a Skrull.

If you're best pals with Spiderman, you just might be a Skrull or Mary Jane or Aunt May...heck, those two could be Skrulls for all I know....(maybe thats what JMS has in mind!! )

If you love these you might be a Skrull jokes, you just might be a Skrull.

" And I could go on and on and hehe."

Posted by Jason M. Bryant at September 14, 2007 02:22 AM
If your dandruff shampoo boasts, "now with scale remover," you might be a Skrull.

If you spend a lot of time thinking about how nice it would be to be a cow, you might be a Skrull.

If you walk into your living room and see Reed Richards talking to your parents about regular testing, you might be a Skrull.

If you own a copy of every Star Trek episode where Kirk hooks up with a green chick, you might be a Skrull.

By the way, the Bendis Boards are doing something similar:

Posted by Tje Return of Skrullion at September 14, 2007 06:51 AM
If you thought Bruce Banner was a rank amateur until he went from grey to green, etc.

If you have to wonder why the She-Hulk won't return your calls after you posted on-line that your favorite FF was the one where she was in the skin mag, you get the idea.

If you SITLL can't get over feeling pissy that the US Mint adding new colors to money, yeah, okay.

If you think Kermit is a friggin' whiner, need I go there?

If you want to feed every Mogwai you meet after midnight because it's a better look for them...

Posted by Hooper at September 14, 2007 07:48 AM
If the women on your planet are hotter-looking than the men, chances are better than average you might be a skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 16, 2007 12:35 PM

If people point at your dandruff and say you spilled your oregano, or if you once vaporized a man for offering you a pickle, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 16, 2007 12:55 PM

If your Skrull-language bootleg of Jerry Maguire dubs Renée Zellweger saying "you had me at Skrull," you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Tim Lynch at September 16, 2007 01:47 PM

If you go into a bloodthirsty rage and shoot Marc Scott Zicree out of a misunderstanding upon hearing his name, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 16, 2007 03:18 PM

If your Parisian murder-spree is fed by people shouting sacré bleu! you might be a Skrull with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Posted by: Mike at September 16, 2007 06:20 PM
If the women on your planet are hotter-looking than the men, chances are better than average you might be a skrull.

This is from the Klingon-language edition of You Might Be A Skrull.

Posted by: Sean Scullion at September 16, 2007 07:38 PM

Jeez, Jerry, you couldn't correct my misspelling of "the" in that paste?

Posted by: Mike at September 16, 2007 07:55 PM

If you don't make improvements or corrections in your copies, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Jerry Chandler at September 16, 2007 09:21 PM

Jeez, Jerry, you couldn't correct my misspelling of "the" in that paste?



Posted by: Jerry Chandler at September 16, 2007 09:22 PM

Jeez, Jerry, you couldn't correct my misspelling of "the" in that paste?



It was kept in the interest hysterical... historical accuracy.

Posted by: TallestFanEver at September 17, 2007 12:31 AM

If you were born on the Skrull home planet, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: TallestFanEver at September 17, 2007 12:39 AM

If you still believe that Ben Riley is the real Peter Parker, you might be a Skrull. Or Ben Riley. Either way, just let it go, man. Its over.

Posted by: Rich Johnston at September 17, 2007 07:43 AM

If you look like Brad Pitt, you're a Skrull.

If you are Brad Pitt, you're a Skrull.

Posted by: mike "shaggy" g at September 17, 2007 08:53 AM

If you don't think there's enough jokes here to make a column -

you might be a Skrull!

Posted by: Mike at September 17, 2007 09:14 AM

If Galactus looks down at you and says, "capers!" you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 17, 2007 10:33 AM

If your green and live on the the shore of the deepest hypersaline lake in the world, you might be a Dead Sea Skrull.

Is there a deadline for this? There are a couple of posters here who have dumped on others for their lack of humor whose overwhelming hilarity I look forward to. I'd hate to think their skillful timing might cause them to miss out on Peter's challenge.

Posted by: rahnefan at September 17, 2007 10:37 AM

If you cannot help but ponder the miracle of life as you breastfeed your reptilian infant, you might be a skrull.

Posted by: Derick at September 17, 2007 10:44 AM

If you've ever cried at a head of lettuce because it made you miss your family, you might be a green neck.

Posted by: Bob Ahrens at September 17, 2007 02:38 PM

If you have ever walked away from a Mummenchantz performance thinking "Wow.... What an incredible documentary..." you might in fact be....

Posted by: Sasha at September 17, 2007 03:40 PM

If you root for the Martians whenever you watch WAR OF THE WORLDS then, yes, you may be a Skrull.

If you dismissed the Thing from THE THING as an amateur, you may be a Skrull.

If you wistfully state "It's funny because it's true" whenever you watch DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH AND 1/2 CENTURY, the odds are excellent you may be a Skrull.

If you take copious "how-to/how-not-to" notes whenever you watch alien invasion movies, you may be a Skrull.

If you consider Gallagher funny . . . well, you may or may not be a Skrull, but you're definitely an alien.

Posted by: Skrullion tge gud tipest at September 17, 2007 08:26 PM

It was kept in the interest hysterical... historical accuracy.

If you think that people mistyping while trying to be funny and also trying to dress their son to get him to the schoolbus in ten minutes is hysterical, then, well, yeah, you've got a decent sense of humor. Unless you're Jerry. If you're Jerry, then you're a Skrull.

Posted by: Michael D'Amico at September 18, 2007 01:17 AM

If you think that you have the sexiest chin in the universe.... you might be a Skrull.

If you attack an entire race of beings because you're mad at a completely different race of unrelated beings.... you might be a Skrull.

If you're outraged over being omitted as a character in the TV show "Andromeda" ... you might be a Skrull.

If you've ever placed a wager on ANY contest between a Kree and a Cotati... you might be a Skrull.

If you've ever surfed the Annihilation Wave... you might be a Skrull.

If you refuse to claim Tony Stark as one of your own... you might be a Skrull.

If you think that John Byrne wrote better storylines for the "Incredible Hulk" comic book than Peter David... you might be a Skrull!

-Mike D.

P.S. - Thank you to the family and friends of Peter David for all your contributions over the years!

Posted by: Steve Chung at September 18, 2007 01:28 AM

If the words, "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" makes you break out in a sweat, you just might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 18, 2007 09:27 AM

If you sniff and stab at your salad to make sure you aren't eating a bowl of your acne scabs, you might be a Skrull.

Posted by: Mike at September 18, 2007 02:07 PM

If you told the judge you stabbed your husband in the face because you thought you were cutting a green pepper, you might be married to a Skrull.

Posted by: Steve Chung at September 18, 2007 02:19 PM

If your efforts to "chin up" do not go over as planned, you just might be a Skrull.

Posted by: mister_pj at September 19, 2007 11:32 AM

You might be a Skrull:

If your father looks like a cow and your mom looks like a tree.

Posted by: mister_pj at September 19, 2007 11:34 AM

You might just be a Skrull:

If being green with envy is the rule rather than the exception.

Posted by: mister_pj at September 19, 2007 11:37 AM

You might just be a Skrull:

If St. Patricks day is the one holiday where you can truly be yourself without fear of making those around you run screaming into the night.

Posted by: mister_pj at September 19, 2007 11:44 AM

You might just be a Skrull:

If the people around you think you are having an allergic reaction to something 24/7.

Posted by: mister_pj at September 19, 2007 11:45 AM

You might just be a Skrull:

People ask you how long you have had Acromegaly.

Posted by: Spike at September 19, 2007 01:45 PM

You know you're a Skrull if you jump in the sack with Johnny Storm

Posted by: Glenn Hauman at September 19, 2007 01:48 PM

If you ever looked at Odo and said "Wannabe..."

If you think that the Durlans lack ambition....

Posted by: mister_pj at September 20, 2007 12:29 AM

You might just be a Skrull:

If your green blood and pointed ears made you consider being an understudy for Star Trek’s Mr Spock.