January 04, 2005

Darn it

I got an invite from the Writers Guild announcing a special screening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" this Wednesday that's going to be followed by a Q&A with Michael Moore. Unfortunately, that's my bowling night, I'm just starting with a new league, and one has to prioritize.

Has anyone heard anything or any interviews with Moore post-calamity (or, as it's also called, election day?)


Posted by Peter David at January 4, 2005 07:48 AM | TrackBack | Other blogs commenting
Posted by: Dave Drier at January 4, 2005 08:05 AM

Here's the link to his Mike's Letter page:


Check out "17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists."

Posted by: Eric! at January 4, 2005 09:00 AM

I can't stand Michael Moore, if I never hear from him again that would be fine. On the other hand I think people on the fence see nut jobs like him and think "I agree with some of the Democratic ideas, but have no desire to be associated with him." so keep it up Michael in 2008 if/when the Dems get another beat down I thank you.

Posted by: Elayne Riggs at January 4, 2005 09:07 AM

There have been a couple interviews with him about his new project, "Sicko," about the health care industry. Here's one, although it's not that in-depth. I think he did one for the LA Times, but if I'm not mistaken that's subscription-only. As Dave says, the best place to keep up with news about Moore is his website, which he and his supporters keep pretty current.

Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 09:14 AM

On the other hand I think people on the fence see nut jobs like him and think "I agree with some of the Democratic ideas, but have no desire to be associated with him."

The same can be said of Anne Coulter.

so keep it up Michael in 2008 if/when the Dems get another beat down I thank you.

Don't worry, by then, GWB will finish taking this country to economic and military ruin. The last time the GOP controled the Oval Office and both houses of Congress after two consecutive presidential elections was the 1920s. And the result was a stock market crash, Depression, 24 straight years of the Democrats controlling the White House.

Posted by: Julio Diaz at January 4, 2005 09:37 AM

There's an irony in skipping FAHRENHEIT for bowling...

Posted by: Hoy Murphy at January 4, 2005 09:54 AM

I saw a promo for an appearance on the Tonight Show later this week. He was cleaned up, shaved and wearing a suit and tie in the promo. Hardly recognized him.

--your pal, Hoy

Posted by: Craig J. Ries at January 4, 2005 09:55 AM

The same can be said of Anne Coulter.

Oh, not only Coulter, but Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, and more.

So, anybody who decides their political views on Michael Moore (or Ann Coulter) alone... well, they're an idiot.

Posted by: Robbnn at January 4, 2005 09:58 AM

I'd skip Fahrenheit for root canal...

Good call on Ann Coulter, though. A straight comparison, though, puts Ann on top (now that's an ugly picture). She's as overboard as he is, but she has a sharper edge, a better way with words, and mirrors don't break around her... While she plays loose with the truth, it's not nearly as bad as Moore. Regardless, she's an extremist. While she doesn't do mockumentaries, her opinion is courted by those it shouldn't be.

Probably it's because of my perspective on the right, but I don't see Coulter as a Republican representative as much as a UberConservative representative. Moore is a flaming liberal, but because he screams the Democrat mantra ("I hate Bush"), he seems to represent the Dems, too.

Posted by: David Hunt at January 4, 2005 10:01 AM

This is entirely off-topic except for the title of PAD's posting, which is sadly appropriate. Newsarama has just posted an article announcing that Will Eisner has passed away. The announcement and a copy of his biography from his own site are at this url.


Posted by: James Tichy at January 4, 2005 10:47 AM

I'd like to go and shake his hand for helping the reelction of the president.

Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 11:09 AM

Probably it's because of my perspective on the right, but I don't see Coulter as a Republican representative as much as a UberConservative representative.

You mean there's a difference these days?

Moore is a flaming liberal, but because he screams the Democrat mantra ("I hate Bush"), he seems to represent the Dems, too.

As opposed to Coulter, who screams the GOP mantra of "I hate all liberals"?

Posted by: Jim in Iowa at January 4, 2005 12:02 PM

The same can be said of Anne Coulter.

Yeah, right. Not in this universe.

To his credit, Michael Moore has found a way to get his ideas out to a somewhat broader audience than Anne Coulter ever will. I may disagree completely with Moore, but I give him very high marks with his ability to do more than just preach to the choir. Obviously, a lot who went to see F911 were on his side, but many were not. How many liberals do you think really picked up Coulter's book?

The only conservative I can think of that compares to Moore is Rush. They are different in their approaches and mediums of communication, but they both have had a huge impact on both sides of the aisle.

(Some of you may question whether I am a true conservative when I say this :-) but I barely know Anne Coulter. I have heard her interviewed once, read a few columns she has written, but have never read (nor desire to read) any of her books. It is not because I can't stand her, it is because I don't find her particularly interesting.)

Jim in Iowa

Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 12:05 PM

Anyone else find it interesting that the same conservatives who are quick to paint Moore as representative of liberals and democrats also bristle at the idea that Coulter is representative of them?

Posted by: Jim in Iowa at January 4, 2005 12:34 PM

Anyone else find it interesting that the same conservatives who are quick to paint Moore as representative of liberals and democrats also bristle at the idea that Coulter is representative of them?

Den, were you referring to my post? If so, I don't see what you are talking about. My point is that she is a non-issue. I am sure a far higher percentage of Americans have heard of Moore or Rush than know anything about Coulter.

Jim in Iowa

Posted by: David Seidman at January 4, 2005 12:35 PM

A couple of quotes from conservatives on Ann Coulter.

From Andrew Sullivan:


And the very Republican P.J. O'Rourke:
People love to be told what they know already. It's not so much that what they say is wrong, though Ann Coulter does seem to be completely crazy. [Laughs.] But it's kind of like reading The Power Of Positive Thinking, or any other advice or how-to book. All they do is reassure people of their basic opinions, and then they can continue to act like they've always acted.

David Seidman

Posted by: James Tichy at January 4, 2005 12:35 PM

Moore doesn't represent liberals and yet he had a nice little seat alongside Jimmy Carter at the convention. Yet, I doubt you'll ever see Miss Coulter at the RNC.

Anne Coulter represents about as many conservatives as Moore represents liberals. Some openly admit it while others quitely support what they have to say. So what? I think you can find what they have to say entertaining, but if you read Coulter's books or listen to Moore speak, and believe every word, your an idiot.

Posted by: David Seidman at January 4, 2005 12:37 PM

Whoops. Here's the accidentally omitted Sullivan quote.
It's worth thinking of Coulter as a kind of inverse Moore: where's he's ugly and ill-kempt, she's glamorous and impeccably turned out. (Her web-page, AnnCoulter.org, has a gallery of sexy images.) But what they have in common is more significant: an hysterical hatred of their political opponents and an ability to say anything to advance their causes (and extremely lucrative careers).,,,American politics has been badly damaged by the scruple-free tactics of those like Michael Moore and Ann Coulter.

Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 01:15 PM

Den, were you referring to my post?


I am sure a far higher percentage of Americans have heard of Moore or Rush than know anything about Coulter.

I haven't taken a poll, but Coulter is a best-selling author and does the talk show circuit. Just because she doesn't make movies or have a regular radio gig doesn't make her an unknown.

Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 01:28 PM

Moore doesn't represent liberals and yet he had a nice little seat alongside Jimmy Carter at the convention.

Moore was actually initially refused an invite. When he threatened to make a rukus, Carter graciously allowed him to stay in his box steat.

Yet, I doubt you'll ever see Miss Coulter at the RNC.

Guess again. She was there.


Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 01:31 PM

It's worth thinking of Coulter as a kind of inverse Moore: where's he's ugly and ill-kempt, she's glamorous and impeccably turned out. (Her web-page, AnnCoulter.org, has a gallery of sexy images.) But what they have in common is more significant: an hysterical hatred of their political opponents and an ability to say anything to advance their causes

Exactly. Most liberals I know think Moore is a joke. Most conservatives I know think Coulter is a nutbar. Neither side wants to be represented by either of these.

Posted by: Robert Jung at January 4, 2005 01:39 PM

Anyone who thinks Michael Moore likes Democrats obviously haven't been paying attention -- he only sided with them in 2004 because G. W. Bush was that repugnant. If you follow Moore's earlier works (such as Downsize This!), you'd see that he gives the Dems just as much grief as he gives the GOP (maybe even moreso, since his big beef is that the Democrats have abandoned their role as advocates for the common man and are nowadays Republican Lite).

On the other hand, as far as I can tell, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and the other right-wing insta-pundits continue to kiss the collective ass of the Republican Party, and will only criticize a Republican for being too tolerant ("How dare he compromise with the Democrats!").

So calling Michael Moore a left-wing equivalent of Ann Coulter is hardly accurate -- after all, unlike Ann, Moore has demonstrated an ability to think for himself...


Posted by: Jim in Iowa at January 4, 2005 01:55 PM

Exactly. Most liberals I know think Moore is a joke. Most conservatives I know think Coulter is a nutbar. Neither side wants to be represented by either of these.

I have not taken a poll :-) but most of the liberals I know do not think Moore is a joke. They would not agree with everything he says/believes, but they do not put him in the "nutbar" category.

Jim in Iowa

Posted by: James Tichy at January 4, 2005 02:12 PM

Den, I should have been more specific. I meant that you wouldn't see Coulter sitting in a seat of honor like Moore was. If you seriously believe that they actualy wanted Moore not to show up and that they wanted nothing to do with him your crazy. The man was/is their hero.

Posted by: Den at January 4, 2005 02:34 PM

Well James, I am crazy, but that's a completely different issue.

Moore was not given a place of "honor," he was given a seat to shut him up. I'm sorry, but that's just a fact.

I can see that many of the conservatives here don't spend a lot of time talking to liberals. Not surprising, both sides have spent the better part of a year trying to shout each other down. The fact is, the only people that I see calling Moore the "hero" of the democratic party are republicans.

Posted by: Spike at January 4, 2005 03:12 PM

Exactly. What evidence was there EVER that Moore made more people vote for Bush. Sounds like another Republican twist on facts. Then again History is always written by the winners, so Bush will be proclaimed a great President if the Republicans stay in power.

Posted by: Jon at January 4, 2005 03:48 PM

I'm a liberal who considers Moore, "On My side" but I wish that he'd hold himself to a higher standard. I read the conservative (NRO I, I think) complaints/accusations against Fahrenheit 9/11, and then I went to see it and considered their complaints mostly unfounded. I read some conservatives, some liberal, some non (and it's getting a lot harder to tell these days, my econ professor was a pretty fair minded guy when it came to explaing political axis' (the Nolan Curve) and he openly admitted that he couldn't figure out how to classify GWB.)

I think that Moore was at his best when he pressured an insurance company to pay for a man's operation. He probably saved the guy's life and I hope that his new film continues in that direction.

Posted by: Stosine at January 4, 2005 04:01 PM

I was going to post something but Jon (above) took exactly the words I was going to type. I agree 100% with you Jon.

Posted by: Eric! at January 4, 2005 04:10 PM

Anyone who thinks Michael Moore likes Democrats obviously haven't been paying attention -- he only sided with them in 2004 because G. W. Bush was that repugnant.
Well, they're paying enough attention to see that he's a registered Democrat. At least with the Right-Wing nutbars you know they are Right-Wing nutbars. If he has some thinking he's moderate, they are not paying any attention. Granted I don't agree with all of the Right and will say so, that don't make me middle-of-the-road or a liberal.

Posted by: Mark L at January 4, 2005 04:22 PM

and he openly admitted that he couldn't figure out how to classify GWB

That's because GWB is not a conservative in the classical sense of the word - that is, he doesn't try to maintain the status quo. His foreign and fiscal policies are radical (the Bush Doctrine, Medicare reform, Social Security reform). What's good is that he wants to reform these programs, but many of the reforms could end up costing more in the short run - though the longer term looks designed to remove some of the burden on the budget. He is conservative socially, but it doesn't drive him in the same way, IMO.

So, what is a reforming conservative called?

Posted by: Jim in Iowa at January 4, 2005 05:43 PM

Well James, I am crazy, but that's a completely different issue.

Hey, I didn't say you were crazy!! ;-) Just that my anecdotal evidence was different than yours. Besides, I have come to embrace the crazy side of my life (since as a conservative, life can sometimes be boring).

I can see that many of the conservatives here don't spend a lot of time talking to liberals. Not surprising, both sides have spent the better part of a year trying to shout each other down. The fact is, the only people that I see calling Moore the "hero" of the democratic party are republicans.

Well, my one liberal friend loves Moore, but he also loves Howard Stern. Take that anyway you want!!

My other liberal friends would probably be a lot like you, except for they would not call Moore a nut. They think what he was saying was correct, but his appearance and methods (such as shouting at a congressman in F911) were counterproductive to his message.

But you are right. Even on this site there is a tendency to talk past each other rather than engaging with the person. In fact, I may have even been gulity of it once or twice!

I am curious. When I read many liberals on this site, I see them as overall liking Moore and agreeing with him. At least that is my impression. Would you disagree?

Jim in Iowa

Posted by: Nick Soapdish at January 4, 2005 06:57 PM

Well, I'm definitely a liberal and I don't especially like Moore. I don't really know any liberals that are fans of him either although most have watched at least one movie of his.

He raises some good points, but he also distorts or exaggerates. He doesn't come close to being as represensible as a liberal Anne Coulter. (That's probably Mike Malloy.) He might be as bad as Rush, but I don't follow either so I couldn't say which uses a higher percentage of ... inaccuracies.

Posted by: Derek! at January 4, 2005 09:00 PM

"It's worth thinking of Coulter as a kind of inverse Moore: where's he's ugly and ill-kempt, she's glamorous and impeccably turned out."

Ann Coulter is the farthest thing from glamorous. She's frighteningly thin, her clothes don't fit very well because of that and she has an adams apple that would put Herman Munster to shame.
She's glamorous in a drag queen kind of way but thats about it.
If i were to pick a female conservative pundit to be the pin-up of the party I'd go with Michelle Malkin before Ann Coulter.

Posted by: Craig J. Ries at January 4, 2005 10:29 PM

So, what is a reforming conservative called?

A "compassionate conservative"? A wannabe-Democrat?

Posted by: Jonathan (the other one) at January 4, 2005 11:28 PM

Well, I don't know that I'd call Rush "conservative". I mean, have you ever really listened to all of "2112"? Or "The Trees"? And "Closer To the Heart" hardly sounds like a neocon hymn...

What? The wrong Rush? Oh, I'm so embarrassed!

Posted by: Ted at January 5, 2005 12:23 AM

This was kinda starting to turn harsh for a minute. The fact is ("fact" in this case being based on common sense, not actual research)terms like "liberal" and "conservative", for the most part, are just labels to try to simplify, and as a result, help to stereotype things. My experience with most "icons" (either people or ideals) is that people who agree with them rarely agree 110%. I know people who say "I agree with most Democrat philosophy, but I don't like their position on abortion". So they either stick to something they disagree with more (this case being the republican party) because the belief is so strong, or they stay despite that issue. Yet, even though they don't necessarily agree with everything, when they divulge their party, people always apply the party's stereotype to them. Same with people like Moore. People might say "I respect what he does, and he raises a few valid points, but he doesn't embody my views", yet someone opposed enough to him would still label them as a "nutcase supporter" or some other negative label that doesn't accurately describe their POV. If you watched "The Daily Show" on Election night, and saw what Al Sharpton was saying, that seems to be what political discourse has degenerated into. Then again, if you watched it that night, you also know what the majority political affiliation was in the audience. (Kerry just took Ohio! [major cheers] Bush just won Colorado! [2 cheers, quickly silenced]). I remember NF #7, when Xyon was talking to Kalinda. "You have this endless need to find a slot to tuck me into." Seems relevant. Anyway, sorry, I'm just kinda ranting here.

Posted by: Dennis V. at January 5, 2005 02:50 AM

[[I saw a promo for an appearance on the Tonight Show later this week. He was cleaned up, shaved and wearing a suit and tie in the promo. Hardly recognized him.]]

Isn't it amazing how the cleaned up Michael Moore (who looks like he's added on even more weight) looks so similar to Family Guy's Peter Griffin? Of course, Peter is so much cooler than Michael.

Posted by: Luigi Novi at January 5, 2005 09:22 AM

Jim in Iowa: To his credit, Michael Moore has found a way to get his ideas out to a somewhat broader audience than Anne Coulter ever will.
Luigi Novi: You could say the same for Joseph Goebbels. :-)

I don't like either one of them. Coulter is a foaming-at-the-mouth lunatic whose ramblings are so incoherent that in deconstructing them, I wouldn't know where to start. Moore has a more friendly, less snobbish persona, and doesn't use as many tortured definitions of words or logical fallacies as Coulter does, but he's incapable of any profound modicum of honesty; he presents falsehoods in his films, but does so implicitly rather than explicitly, and uses intellectually dishonest reasoning to rationalize this behavior. His only saving grace compared to Coulter, which is the only reason for which I'm at all still drawn to his work, is that his satire is funny.

Posted by: Den at January 5, 2005 10:09 AM

Me:Well James, I am crazy, but that's a completely different issue.

Jim in Iowa: Hey, I didn't say you were crazy!! ;-)

I was replying to James Tichy, who did say that I am crazy if I don't believe that Democrats worship Michael Moore.

I am curious. When I read many liberals on this site, I see them as overall liking Moore and agreeing with him. At least that is my impression. Would you disagree?

Not exactly. I see many people here who may agree with some of the positions that he takes, but either don't like him personally or disagree with his methods.

Posted by: Jerome Maida at January 5, 2005 11:01 AM

I find Ann Coulter to be quite attractive. But thanks for giving props to the incredibly intelligent and vastly unappreciated Michelle Malkin.

Posted by: Jerome Maida at January 5, 2005 11:03 AM

I will probably post more on this thread later, but find it a little sad that this thread seems to be busier than the one for Will Eisner.

Posted by: Julio Diaz at January 5, 2005 11:19 AM

Eric! posted:

Well, they're paying enough attention to see that [ed: Michael Moore is] a registered Democrat.

Then they aren't paying very much attention. Moore is not a registered Democrat.

Posted by: Carl at January 5, 2005 02:25 PM

The dif between Ann and Mickey? I'd trust Ann to cover my back in a firefight and before the blimp lib-pimp could run/waddle away, I'd kick him over and use him for a human shield. BWA-HAHA HA HO HEE HEE!!!

Posted by: Bob Jones at January 5, 2005 08:45 PM

I highly recommend FahrenHype 911.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:15 AM

Peter you skipped out on an event like that? Are you that clueless?

Tomorrow- Washington.

I know a couple people going 1/6 to support Jesse Jackson in his hope that one Senator will grow some balls and do the right thing.

If they fail we might as well start preparing for the draft.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:18 AM

by the way- about Fahrenhype 911

I saw the teaser for it...and it appeared to me it was full of alot of Republican big names who hadn't even seen the movie.

As a matter of fact, I'm practically positive they didn't see it, based on their complaints about it.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:19 AM

Though I wasn't a huge fan of Eisners work, I do understand he's the "Father of the Graphic Novel," and for that I will always be thankful.

His storytelling should be studied for anyone looking to get into comics.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:20 AM

>>> I find Ann Coulter to be quite attractive.

Ann is the first political bimbette I've ever seen.

She's like Paris Hilton...anything for a buck.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:22 AM

Just suggested to Peter that he puts out a Sachs and Violens collected edition. Long overdue...all in favor say "AYE!"

Marketing it would be tough though for Mister Bigtime Star Trek Novel Writer...

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:34 AM

On the other hand I think people on the fence see nut jobs like him and think "I agree with some of the Democratic ideas, but have no desire to be associated with him."

Whomever said this originally didn't know what they were talking about. Moore's message isn't on the Dem/Republican level...it's on a level of right and wrong.
SEE the damn movie already. At the very least see it before the election is finalized.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 01:36 AM

PAD: Has anyone heard anything or any interviews with Moore post-calamity (or, as it's also called, election day?)

He was on with Baraba Walters, I taped it...he was one of the years most interesting people.

She asked him how he felt about the election and he said he was depressed for days after...then he only talked about the movie, probably because they gave him instructions not to get into politics...

Posted by: Pope at January 6, 2005 04:04 AM

gotta love the clueless Michael Moore Fanatics.

Posted by: Pope at January 6, 2005 04:06 AM

Michael Moore only cares about onething: his Oscar. Carter would NOT have sat next to him in any event if his life depended on it. Moore is nothing but an overweight loser who needs to go on a diet badly.

Posted by: Pope at January 6, 2005 04:29 AM

Moore switches Parties like he switched his image. One minute he looks like a wino from the streets and the next he's all deckedout in a suit and tie trying to plug his fictional movie.

You can thank Michael Moore and his fellow loudmouth Hollywood liberals for losing the election to Bush. He voted for Nader and not Gore but the leftwing doesn't ever want to talk about whom he voted for in past elections. He suddenly comes out with his fictional account of 9/11 and makes money off our biggest Tragedy in American history and suddenly he is seen as a American Patriot by the Leftwing Party and his fellow entertainers that whined heavily for four years costing Kerry who should be President right now, the election. All hail Michael Moore! Every lefty's wet drem. Little do they know Moore only cares about himself and not the party he switched to to plug his movie. Keep praising him, maybe someday you'll sit right next to him at the next DNC. I am a Democrat who's sick and tired hearing Moore's name mentioned with my party.

If Moore wants to be taken seriously then he'll have to lose about two hundred pounds and top running around whining about his movie and shoving it down our throats. I hope Hollywood gives him the Oscar just to shut him up.

Not all liberals praise Moore. Don't lump us all in together with the leftwing party. We do not like being associated with someone like Moore whether he's cleaned up or not.

Posted by: Pope at January 6, 2005 04:54 AM

Do you Leftwingers really think us 'true'
Democrats who's been with the party all our lives, wanted to put up with Bush for another four years? Thank you for costing us our one and only chance to take back the White House. We Democrats Salute the Lefwing Party and the Hollywood nutjobs with their big mouths for doing such a spendid job of costing us the White House for another four years at the DNC all so Michael Moore can push for his Oscar. Then you wonder why The Bible Belt voted for Bush? Say what you want about the NeoCons at least THEY know how to win an election across the board no less, leaving Kerry and the rest of our party in the dust. Thank you so bloody much for your support.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 05:00 AM

>>> gotta love the clueless Michael Moore Fanatics.

Well one of us is clueless.

>>> Michael Moore only cares about onething: his Oscar. Carter would NOT have sat next to him in any event if his life depended on it. Moore is nothing but an overweight loser who needs to go on a diet badly.

I don't think you're in the position to be speaking for the man. As far as his appearance? Who are you to critique someone's looks? Adonis? And more importantly, what does it have to do with anything?

>>> Moore switches Parties like he switched his image. One minute he looks like a wino from the streets and the next he's all deckedout in a suit and tie trying to plug his fictional movie.

It's a documentary. Remember that. Maybe you should SEE the movie.

>>> You can thank Michael Moore and his fellow loudmouth Hollywood liberals for losing the election to Bush.

Actually I thank the ignorance of America and our fraudulent election system.

>>> He voted for Nader and not Gore but the leftwing doesn't ever want to talk about whom he voted for in past elections.

This is true- because Nader was the right choice. Gore is as corrupt as Bush is.

>>> He suddenly comes out with his fictional account of 9/11 and makes money off our biggest Tragedy in American history and suddenly he is seen as a American Patriot by the Leftwing Party and his fellow entertainers that whined heavily for four years costing Kerry who should be President right now, the election.

Spoken like someone that hasn't seen the documentary. He never even shows 9/11 footage. He IS an American Patriot, not that you would even understand what that means. Kerry cost himself the election- plain and simple. Oh, and the paperless voting machines didn't help.

>>> All hail Michael Moore! Every lefty's wet drem. Little do they know Moore only cares about himself and not the party he switched to to plug his movie.

Again, don't speak for him and I won't speak for you.

>>> Keep praising him, maybe someday you'll sit right next to him at the next DNC.

I will, but you'll never see me anywhere near the Democratic party.

>>> I am a Democrat who's sick and tired hearing Moore's name mentioned with my party.

You should rent the DVD immediately so you understand how stupid you sound.

>>> If Moore wants to be taken seriously

He is.

>>> then he'll have to lose about two hundred pounds and top running around whining about his movie and shoving it down our throats.

Oh yeah, that's right, maybe he should get a makeover, his eyebrows waxed, go tanning and become another fake cookie cutter idiot consumer. Is this all you've got?

>>> I hope Hollywood gives him the Oscar just to shut him up.

He certainly deserves it, tough competition but his documentary is the one that people will be watching 50 years from now.

>>> Not all liberals praise Moore.

You'd do well to stop labeling people like this. We're all human beings...we all have common ground.

>>> Don't lump us all in together with the leftwing party. We do not like being associated with someone like Moore whether he's cleaned up or not.

You don't like people that are honest?

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 05:05 AM

>>> Do you Leftwingers really think us 'true'
Democrats who's been with the party all our lives, wanted to put up with Bush for another four years?

I don't really care what Democrats want. I want TRUE equality for all americans...I want a voting system which WE control, not the politicians we're voting for, I want to break the hold big business and the military has on us...in short, I want to change everything.

>>> Thank you for costing us our one and only chance to take back the White House.

Thank yourself...for not fixing the voting system the last time this happened.

>>> We Democrats Salute the Lefwing Party and the Hollywood nutjobs with their big mouths for doing such a spendid job of costing us the White House for another four years at the DNC all so Michael Moore can push for his Oscar.

So you don't think it's that the majority of America is plain STUPID? They have no idea what they're talking about yet have much to say.

>>> Then you wonder why The Bible Belt voted for Bush?

The bible belt is a ruse. The bible belt is controlled by evangelicals (ie predators) that leech off the weak and ignorant.

>>> Say what you want about the NeoCons

Ok they're bloodthirsty war profiteers that feel the white race should control the world and all other life and all other races are here only to serve.

>>> at least THEY know how to win an election across the board no less,

Sure, by cheating and lying...if you have to do that to win then it's not worth winning.

Posted by: Pope at January 6, 2005 10:59 AM

Michael Moore: 'The Blue Teletubby' of the Leftwing Democrat Party who single handidly lost the election for the rest of us Democrats. Me and my liberal friends can't wait to see what
other tragedy he'll make a fictional movie out of next?

Hmm, maybe 'Thiland's Tsunami Distaster' will be
high on his wishlist? Nah, he wouldn't have the
guts to go there and film a real tragedy. He
wouldn't be able to fake it like he did with his
fudged 9/11 footage and get away with calling it a documentary.

Moore would switch Republican if he thought there was any money in it or, it would sell his trash films. Let's see he was an independent turned Democrat overnight for one election along with Susan Sarandon and half of Hollywood who come out of the woodwork every four years switching parties that best suit their adjendas.

Yep, that's oneway to convince people to vote for our side and not the Republicans.

Wonder what he'll be four years from now after he clutches his little Oscar in his fat, stubby hands and gives you supporters the finger?

Michael Moore and people like him give our party nothing but a big blackeye and nothing else. He doesn't give a fudge about our party and knows nothing about it. I'm tired of his praises. He does NOT represent the true Democratic party.

Posted by: John DiBello at January 6, 2005 12:34 PM

PAD wrote: Has anyone heard anything or any interviews with Moore post-calamity (or, as it's also called, election day?)

Take a look at the new "Year in Review" Rolling Stone. There's a decent though short interview with the post-election Michael Moore.

His favorite movie of the year? Dodgeball.

Posted by: Craig J. Ries at January 6, 2005 03:05 PM

Michael Moore: 'The Blue Teletubby' of the Leftwing Democrat Party who single handidly lost the election for the rest of us Democrats.

Only a Republican would think that.

Me? I blame the Republican propoganda machine, along with a completely farking ignorant public, as to why Kerry & Edwards lost.

Oh, and the correct prediction that we'd be in a war to help make sure Bush stayed in office.

Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 03:33 PM

>>> Michael Moore: 'The Blue Teletubby' of the Leftwing Democrat Party who single handidly lost the election for the rest of us Democrats.

You need to wake up. We lost the election because the system is completely corrupt. Allowing votes on machines with no paper trail was our first mistake. Not addressing and correcting the problems we had in 2000 was another.

>>> Me and my liberal friends can't wait to see what other tragedy he'll make a fictional movie out of next?

The pharmeducidal companies that have a stranglehold on this country.

>>> Hmm, maybe 'Thiland's Tsunami Distaster' will be high on his wishlist? Nah, he wouldn't have the guts to go there and film a real tragedy.

We have our own problems right here, such as equality for all Americans.

>>> He wouldn't be able to fake it like he did with his fudged 9/11 footage and get away with calling it a documentary.

It appears to me you didn't see it, so I'm not going to debate it with you...but I've written pretty extensively about it...check out my website:

>>> Moore would switch Republican if he thought there was any money in it or, it would sell his trash films.

That would NEVER happen. The things the Republicans represent are simply un-American.

>>> Let's see he was an independent turned Democrat overnight for one election along with Susan Sarandon and half of Hollywood who come out of the woodwork every four years switching parties that best suit their adjendas.

Yes because he realized the stakes and realized his support of Nader cost Gore the election...and look where that has gotten us.

>>> Yep, that's oneway to convince people to vote for our side and not the Republicans.

Actually, if Americans REALLY knew the facts, they wouldn't vote for either.

>>> Wonder what he'll be four years from now after he clutches his little Oscar in his fat, stubby hands and gives you supporters the finger?

I hope you're right...he deserves it. Let's see if the MPAA keeps the politics out of it.

>>> Michael Moore and people like him give our party nothing but a big blackeye and nothing else.

Actually he's a brave man with integrity.

>>> He doesn't give a fudge about our party and knows nothing about it. I'm tired of his praises. He does NOT represent the true Democratic party.

Screw the Democratic party...Dems/Reps...what's the difference? They make up the little club that run our lives.


>>> Me? I blame the Republican propoganda machine, along with a completely farking ignorant public, as to why Kerry & Edwards lost.

Don't forget Kerry's half assed campaign and his failure to get through to the public that Bush's behaviour is criminal.

Posted by: Eric! at January 6, 2005 05:02 PM

Julio Diaz Posted:
Then they aren't paying very much attention. Moore is not a registered Democrat.
What the heck? Do you think if you repeat a lie enough it becomes the truth? Last time he could pick party affiliation was in New York and he picked DEM. Don't you hate when facts get in the way of a good argument?


Posted by: Rudy at January 6, 2005 08:31 PM

>>> Julio Diaz Posted:
Then they aren't paying very much attention. Moore is not a registered Democrat.
What the heck? Do you think if you repeat a lie enough it becomes the truth? Last time he could pick party affiliation was in New York and he picked DEM. Don't you hate when facts get in the way of a good argument?

It doesn't matter. Moore is NOT a Democrat. A Democrat does not speak for themself. They speak for their party. Moore speaks for himself, and will say anything, even something damaging to the Democrats, as long as it's true.

Posted by: Eric! at January 7, 2005 09:23 AM

Posted by Rudy:
It doesn't matter. Moore is NOT a Democrat. A Democrat does not speak for themself. They speak for their party. Moore speaks for himself, and will say anything, even something damaging to the Democrats, as long as it's true.
If you think Moore doesn't have a left agenda or biased for Democrats you need to adjust the foil in your hat. If Rush or Ann said something against the Republican party that was true, they're not Republican and are independent? AGAIN, last time he could register with a party he registered DEMOCRAT, how hard is that to understand? You can lie on the floor stomp your feet and kick and scream "NO", but that won't change that fact, sorry.

Posted by: Paul O'Regan at January 7, 2005 09:29 AM

Just because his views stand more towards the democrats doesn't make him one. He's taken a lot of shots at the party over the years.


Posted by: Eric! at January 7, 2005 11:14 AM

Posted by Paul O'Regan
Just because his views stand more towards the democrats doesn't make him one. He's taken a lot of shots at the party over the years.
He's more Democrat than Independent, at least with Rush and Coulter they don't try and hide that they are conservative. When Rush takes a shot at Repuplicans you don't consider him one? C'mon.

Posted by: Rudy at January 7, 2005 01:43 PM

>>> If you think Moore doesn't have a left agenda or biased for Democrats you need to adjust the foil in your hat. If Rush or Ann said something against the Republican party that was true, they're not Republican and are independent? AGAIN, last time he could register with a party he registered DEMOCRAT, how hard is that to understand? You can lie on the floor stomp your feet and kick and scream "NO", but that won't change that fact, sorry.

Sure he has an agenda: to point out the media is lying to us and the Bush family doesn't have our best interests in mind.

And if you look closely at 9/11 you'll realize that you know practically nothing about the truth.

Posted by: Eric! at January 7, 2005 03:22 PM

Sure he has an agenda: to point out the media is lying to us
You might be right and Moore is part of that media. Go ahead and believe Moore's edited Hollywood "truth", I'll stick with the facts, thanks.

Posted by: Craig J. Ries at January 8, 2005 04:00 PM

I'll stick with the facts, thanks.

Like Karl Rove?

Apparently we have two different definitions of "facts" here.

Posted by: David at January 9, 2005 03:53 AM

I think this is getting way to hate-filled. I think we need some perspective on the issue of Michael Moore.

1. Are Michael Moore's films a pack of lie-filled propaganda or truth? - Well, definitely, the fact he states in his film are all backed up by newspaper sources on his own website. The way he presents them certainly is biased. But I challenge you to find someone in the media who is unbiased. Don't even tru to suggest those guys at Fox News.

2. Is Michael Moore fat and unkempt? - Of course, but have you looked at American in general lately? I think it is refreshing to see a well-known personality who isn't comic relief who doesn't look glamorous.

3. Is Michael Moore patriotic? - He certainly seems to be. As to whether we like what he says or not, or as to his motivations, I seriously doubt he is JUST trying to get an oscar. On the other hand, he has benefitted tremendously from his documentary films. But that isn't exactly a crime, is it? Personally, some of what he says I like, some I do not. But that is the same with most of the people I meet.

I think instead of labelling him in any way, we should recognize the myriad of issues that drove Republican voters to the polls in the battleground states, as well as acknowledged voter irregularity in both the 2000 and the 2004 election.

In fact, it seems that Congress will be investigating the voter irregularity after all, thanks to one Senator who chimed in this time around.

Posted by: Eric! at January 11, 2005 04:33 PM

Posted by Craig J. Ries
Like Karl Rove?

Apparently we have two different definitions of "facts" here.
Who mentioned Karl? Not me. Nice try.