April 03, 2004

Investigations, Chicago Style

So am I the only one who, upon hearing that Bush and Cheney would only testify together before the 9/11 panel, immediately flashed on that scene from "Chicago" with Billy Flynn and Roxie doing the press conference where you never see the dummy's mouth move...almost.

At which point the following occurred to me:

“We Both Went For Saddam”

(with apologies to “Chicago”)

How'd you get here?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
The Supreme Court.

And your parents?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Very wealthy.

Where are they now?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Back in Texas.

He’s worked to keep his country free.

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
That’s how you know we’re GOP.

Let us turn to…

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Nine eleven.

Saw it coming?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
No one could have.

Richard Clarke said--

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
He’s a whiner.
He said some stuff that’s not so nice.
We put our trust in Condi Rice.

[Tom KEAN (spoken)]
Oh you poor man, I can’t believe what you’ve been through. A disputed election, misunderstood, how tragic.
Now tell us, sir...

Where’s bin Laden?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Around somewhere.

Can’t you find him?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
We’re still looking.

As for Saddam…

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
He’s a madman
Still, we gave him every chance

Who cares if we’re bitched out by France?

Why attack him?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
He’s a bad man.

But no weapons?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Still a bad man.

Intell lapses?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
They don’t matter.

We knew who we had to bomb

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
And that’s why we went for Saddam.
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes we both
Oh yes we both
Oh yes, we both went for
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam, Saddam
Oh yes, we both went for Saddam
For Saddam.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both went for
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,
Oh yes, they both went for Saddam
for Saddam.

For democracy, for democracy
Yes we did it for a democracy
Liberating them, liberating them,
No we are not frustrating them,
Merely placating them.

And the weapons?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Might still find them.

Nations hate us.

Hadn’t noticed.

What's your statement?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
All I'd say is
Though my choo-choo jumped the track
I'd still go in and bomb Iraq.


[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Stay away from...


[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Democrats who…


[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Don’t care if you’re...


[CHENEY (as Bush)]
Blown to Guam.

And what?

[CHENEY (as Bush)]
So what if there’s…


[CHENEY (as Bush)]
…no Osama…


But at least we got us Saddam!

For democracy, for democracy,

Yes we did it for a democracy
Liberating them, liberating them,
No we are not frustrating them,
Merely placating them.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both went for

[CHENEY (spoken)]
Let me hear it!

Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,
Oh yes, they both went
For Saddam

[CHENEY (spoken)]
A little louder!

For Saddam.
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both went
For Saddam, Saddam,

[CHENEY (spoken)]
Now you got it!

Oh yes. They both went
For Saddam
For Saddam.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both went for
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam
Oh yes, they both went for Saddam
For Saddam.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both went for
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam

Both went for…Saddam!

Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam
Saddam, Saddam, Saddam,Saddam
Saddam, Saddam, Both went for Saddam.

Posted by Peter David at April 3, 2004 01:54 AM | TrackBack | Other blogs commenting
Posted by: del at April 3, 2004 01:58 AM

That is one of the best song parodies I've ever read. And it fits perfectly with the "Chicago" them. Thanks for the laugh, PAD!

Posted by: John Mosby at April 3, 2004 04:32 AM

Wouldn't Saturday Night Live kill for material like this?


Posted by: Mousie at April 3, 2004 05:42 AM

I'd say something but I'm laughing rather hard and trying desperately not to wake my roommates up.

Posted by: Gérard at April 3, 2004 06:41 AM

"Inspired, your Highness, inspired!" Makes my own effort looks so small. But here it is anyway

(with apologies to Baroness Orczy):

"We seek him here, we seek him there!
The Yankees seek him everywhere!
He comes from Hell, won't go to Heaven,
That demned, elusive Ben Laden!"

Posted by: Jay at April 3, 2004 08:18 AM

I haven't even seen the movie yet. It's actually downstairs waiting for a spare couple of hours. And I Loved it! PAD, hoodaman? YEWdammann!

Posted by: Will "Scifantasy" Frank at April 3, 2004 09:27 AM

Brilliant, just plain brilliant.

(Incidentally, are you going to review the latest two "West Wing" episodes? I thought "The Supremes" was great and the other OK, and was waiting to hear your thoughts.)

Posted by: Sean Archer at April 3, 2004 09:31 AM

PAD, you have to send that to the folks at MoveOn.org, or someone here should if you're too modest. They would turn it into a commercial in a second.


Posted by: Mark L at April 3, 2004 10:21 AM

I love the parody - but now I guess I'll have to see Chicago :)

Posted by: Tim Lynch at April 3, 2004 10:31 AM


I'm not sure if MoveOn would be able to use that for a commercial -- I think they might need the permission of the "Chicago" folks first.

If they can get that, of course, then I'm enthusiastically with you -- hilarious and pointed.


Posted by: Peter David at April 3, 2004 11:48 AM

Actually, they wouldn't need permission from "Chicago." The words themselves fall under fair use/parody. What they would need to do to avoid trouble is simply change the tune a little, so that it's close enough to be recognized but not an exact duplicate of the tune (the way they do on "Simpsons" when they've done parodies of "Music Man" and "Mary Poppins.")

I'm not especially familiar with the website, but if someone wants to bring it to their attention, go ahead.


Posted by: L.H. Hicks at April 3, 2004 12:06 PM

Hey, depending on how the 9/11 hearings turn out, maybe next you'll be able to do a parody of the "Cell Block Tango!"

L.H. Hicks

Posted by: Rivka at April 3, 2004 12:21 PM

PAD, I've been reading your pro-stuff and posts for many years, and that has to be one of the best parodies you've ever done. Hell, it's almost so perfectly true that it's scary. I didn't laugh so much because the goosebumps were marching down my spine due to the exact way you (and Kander and Ebb) hit the nail on the head! It takes two to tango, (Saddam, he had it comin'), and the criminals in the Bush administration and the press corps are dancing our democracy away.

(Did you all know that Cheney and Rumsfield came into the Nixon administration -- were partners and friends at that time -- along with John Dean as legal counsels in 1970? And that they were a part of the Watergate coverup but were never prosecuted? Heard that last night from John Dean, on Bill Moyers' NOW; Dean's new book "Worse than Watergate: the secret presidency of George W. Bush" is a book I gotta read. And someone out there still thinks Bush Jr. isn't a ventriloquist's dummy for these two? Sheesh.)

Posted by: Tim Lynch at April 3, 2004 12:25 PM


I didn't think they'd need permission for the words, just the music. I assume you've got somewhat more direct experience with copyright issues than I do, so if you think they can tweak the music enough that it'd be a safe bet, go for it.

(And you definitely should check out MoveOn.org. Given all of your political statements around here, you'd definitely appreciate it -- and their fundraising skills are pretty impressive.)


Posted by: BLuejackal at April 3, 2004 02:47 PM

That...is pure genius... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wow, I'd love to get a group together and perform that. *laughs*

Posted by: Cory Strode at April 3, 2004 04:09 PM

I think that it's more along the lines that Cheney will need to smack Bush upside the head when he answers a question wrong, especially now that the Clinton papers have revealed the transcript of the intelligence briefing he held with Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld:


Fade in on the Clinton team in the White House, intelligence notebooks open on a large wooden table, ready to meet with the Bush team. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld enter:

Bush: Wow, this is a big house. And I won it? Like when I won a baseball team? Woo! Woo! Woo!

Cheney: (smacks Bush in the back of the head) Pipe down knucklehead, we're here to find out how well these losers have done with getting things ready for us to bomb Iraq.

Rumsfeld: What if we need to bomb someone else?

(Cheney pulls a pair of pliers from his back pocket and grabs Rumsfeld's nose, pulling him to the table. Bush tries to stop him and Cheney smacks him across the face with his free hand and then bonks him on top of the head, knocking him down into his chair.)

Rumsfeld: Ow! Ow! Ow! Whaddid I do? Whaddid I do?

Cheney: Listen here, chowderbrain, we've been asked by the country to look over this house, and we're going to do it. There's a lot of money riding on this.

Clinton: Thank you, gentlemen. In these folders we have all fo the relevent information on upcoming threats to the country, and extensive plans on how to deal with them.

Cheney: (Looking through the notebook) Where's Iraq?

Bush: In the Middle East! I remembered that from when Condi told me.

Cheney: Why you... (pokes Bush in the eyes, which knocks him back in his chair)

Clinton: We've been watching Iraq, and what what the weapons inspectors tell us, he has no weapons of mass destruction, but his scientists continue to tell him that they are working on them in order to get more money out of him. Now, I want to highlight the information on Al Qaeda...

Cheney: So, Saddam is a wise guy, eh? Why I ought to...

Clinton: Can we stay on track?

Bush: Trains run on tracks. Condi taught me that.

Rumsfeld: And they blow up real good too....wait, if Saddam doesn't have weapons, what did he do with the ones I sold him?

Cheney: Listen here, you aren't supposed to remember that. (smacks him in the back of the head)

(Rumsfeld swings back at Cheney and misses, hitting Bush in the head. Bush swings back and hits Cheney who then punches them both in the stomach and when they bend over, bonks them in the forehead, smacks them in the back of the head and repeats the process until a couple of chefs bring in the lunch tray.)

Clinton: Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please, we have to stay on task here. I have only a short time before you take over in my absence and there is a lot to cover. Now, about Osama Bin Laden.

Bush: Laden means burdened. Condi taught me that.

Cheney: I've had it with you and your shenanigans... (grabs a pie from the lunch table and throws it at Bush. Bush ducks and it hits Clinton. Pie fight ensues.)

Clinton: You three are a disgrace. I don't know WHAT the voters were thinking. How can I ever trust you with this house and my three interns?

Bush: Goils? Where are they? Oh GIRLS!

(From the hallway, three young girls scream and run away, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in hot pursuit.)

Bush: Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo!

Clinton: (sits down in his chair, exhausted and covered in creme pie) Hillary is going to have a LOT to fix when she gets back here.

Posted by: Jim Longo at April 3, 2004 05:05 PM

Bri-li-ant. Of course, now I've got this disturbing image of Cheney with Bush sitting on his lap, and his hand up Bush's......well, never mind......


Posted by: Jerry in Richmond, Va at April 3, 2004 07:53 PM

That is the best. See, this shows why you get paid for this stuff and all I get is rejection letters. The only thing that came to my mind when the news hit was, "gee, does that mean George couldn't remember the story as Uncle Dick told it or the other way around." You go and put together a g-rated South Park musical skit. Once again I bow at the foot of the master.

Posted by: Jess at April 3, 2004 08:01 PM

Great work! Thanks for the laugh!

Posted by: Dean at April 3, 2004 08:41 PM

Loved it ,too bad its probably true.Lets be honest
W isnt bright enough to have come up with a coverup and plan to invade on his own.After all you cant justify a war with "He tried to kill my Daddy":)

Posted by: Karen at April 3, 2004 09:38 PM

Seeing as how you say the same things over and over and over again, I'd say that you are the broken record.

Posted by: Toby at April 3, 2004 09:47 PM

"Not for nothing but what will you piss and moan about once Bush is out of office??"

Uh, maybe whatever injustices or lies and fumbles that the new administration has to offer. Doesn't matter who's in office.

"Who will you people blame if we get attacked if Kerry your anti war hero gets in office?? "

Whoever attacked us and whoever is responsible for letting them attack us. Again, doesn't matter who's in office.

"I hope to god if Kerry gets elected will get attacked again just to shut everyone up and W."

What a lovely, humane sentiment. And just for my own understanding, what exactly do you mean by "...to shut everyone up and W?" More specifically the "...and W" part.

"Will you'll be quick to blame Kerry if we get attacked again???"

I don't recall anyone being "quick" to blame Bush for 9/11. Even now, I don't think anyone is "blaming" him for it, just saying he slacked off. No one's accusing him of flying the planes into the towers, or organizing it (okay, maybe some wackos are saying those things). I'd also like to either ask who Will is, or point out that you started your sentence by essentially saying "will you will be..."

"Piss and moan, piss and moan. "

Well, hey, if pissing feels that good...

"Its like listening to a broken record."

Hmm, gee, where else could this statement apply...?

"Im getting sick of this being shoved down my throat everyday on the news."

I could understand why one would feel ill from being on the news and force fed all that vynl.

But, if you were actually referring to finding the content of the news disagreable, can you not change the channel? Find a news outlet that panders to your views? How is that being shoved down your throat?

I also would like to mention that I find it ironic that you piss and moan about people's pissing and moaning.


Posted by: EClark1849 at April 3, 2004 11:21 PM

Not for nothing but what will you piss and moan about once Bush is out of office?? Who will you people blame if we get attacked if Kerry your anti war hero gets in office??

Ahh, it doesn't bother me that people make fun of Bush. Yes, I voted for him and will do so again, but admittedly some of the things he does is seriously funny.

Besides, I remember when Clinton was in office and I was savaging him something awful. If Kerry wins, I'll probably have plenty of opportunities for paybay and if Bush wins, that's payback enough.

Posted by: Lee Houston, Junior at April 3, 2004 11:27 PM

Too bad this website does not have an actual audio track. :(
Oh well, keep up the good work.

Posted by: David at April 4, 2004 12:58 AM

You should send this to Al Franken over at Air America - I'd pay cash money to hear this thing performed!

Posted by: Craig J. Ries at April 4, 2004 01:52 AM

Clinton: (sits down in his chair, exhausted and covered in creme pie) Hillary is going to have a LOT to fix when she gets back here.

Truth is stranger than fiction. ;)

Of course, I'm of the opinion that Hilary's chances of winning the Presidency are just as good now as they will be in 4 years if Bush wins another farce... err, election.

And those chances of winning are good enough that I'd bet on them.

This is certainly a case where another 4 years of Clinton (, William Jefferson) would've been better than what we got.

Posted by: Dennis at April 4, 2004 04:03 AM


Posted by: Will "Scifantasy" Frank at April 4, 2004 10:10 AM

I'd also like to either ask who Will is


Posted by: omike015 at April 4, 2004 01:42 PM


Posted by: winddancer at April 4, 2004 04:36 PM

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

No question your parody was absolutly brilliant, but unfortunately it isn't that far from the truth, is it?

Posted by: James Lynch at April 4, 2004 07:05 PM

Great, great parody. As for accuracy, it seems everyone (except maybe Colin Powell and Wes Clark) was on board with going after Iraq ASAP.

Of course, what I wonder about is: With all the news about them stepping up the hunt for Bin Laden, what were they doing before? Were we not that concerned about catching him until a few weeks ago? I don't know if that can be set to "Mr. Cellophane." Part of me hopes it can't...

Posted by: John Hudgens at April 4, 2004 11:51 PM

Great parody... add me to the list who'd love to see it performed...

But as to the image of Cheney with his hand up you-know-where, editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes did a great variant on that on March 31st - you can see her cartoon at this link: http://www.anntelnaes.com/thumbnail%20images.1/images/033104Cheney%26BushTest.jpg Enjoy!


Posted by: Jerry in Richmond, Va at April 5, 2004 12:46 AM

Hey Dee,

I and others will support any good idea that comes from ANYONE in that office. I and others will point out the stupid or funny things by ANYONE in office either R or D. What's wrong with that?
And who will we blame if we get attacked again and Kerry is in office? The people that attacked us. Just like last time. Despite the reworking of reality by Rush, Sean, Savage, Drudge, Ann and the FOX News crew, lots, in not most, of D's (both politic and public) were with Bush in going after the S.O.B.s that crashed those planes and killed so many of us on 9-11. Most the D's were all for taking down and taking apart the network of pinheads that attacked us. But a lot of Bush's probs right now, including with this hearing, are coming from Bush's desire to stomp on Iraq. Bush and crew pushed this thing on "facts" that were shakey at best and are becoming less and less solid by the second. We got fed a load of BS and shoved into a mess on the pipe dream that we can "clean up" the Middle East and Americanize it just because we're US and we say so and now we're stuck there. That to me is something that we the people have a right to know about and can and should have a strong say about. Call it pissing and moaning if you want but if the facts show that Bush and crew played games with us you better shut your eyes and cover your ears because there's going to be a whole lot more of it. Toodles.

Posted by: Levi at April 5, 2004 10:07 AM

That was great PAD a good way to start the morning. We need to forward that over to Capitol Steps troupe on DC.

Posted by: Shawn Liu at April 9, 2004 09:00 AM

Absolutely brilliant! Well done my good man!

Posted by: Edward Shaw at April 14, 2004 05:44 PM

I had a similar idea over a month ago, BEFORE it was announced that Bush and Cheney would testify together in private council and not under oath. Actually, the idea was a sequel to another one I had that was "Chicago" based.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, a tap dance." The idea was a Bush look-alike doing juvenille tap dance moves to a voiceover of Bush making assertions, followed up by audio clips of him later retracting those points. The whole thing was supposed to come to a crashing finale with Bush sliding on his knees while a banner in the background unfurled over his head, reading "Mission Accomplished." That's one I want to put on public access cable.