September 10, 2002

At last

Our long national nightmare is over. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Glenn Hauman, we're back up and running and hopefully will be for some time to come.

A lot has happened in the past month, far too much to cover in one entry. Most current item is that THE WOAD TO WUIN got a rave review from "Locus" magazine in the September issue. Rolling backwards, I've just finished the novelization of the "Hulk" movie, and a few weeks ago I turned in the manuscript for the sequel to "Knight Life" which is going to be called (drum roll) "One Knight Only." Now who's the one who suggested that?

More to come over the next few days.


Posted by Peter David at September 10, 2002 12:07 AM | TrackBack | Other blogs commenting
Posted by: Luigi Novi at September 10, 2002 12:42 AM


Anyway, I'm in the process of reading The Woad to Wuin.

Honestly, Peter:

"Lord of the Cock Rings?"

Geez, Peter. You have a diseased mind.

Can I hang out with you sometime?

Posted by: Little John at September 10, 2002 04:59 AM

Whew. Great to see you back. How was DragonCon?

Posted by: Lee Houston, Junior at September 10, 2002 05:56 AM

Yeah! You're back! Considering the techno-terrors of this 'modern' age we live in, how many sledge hammers did it take before Mr. Hauman finally debugged the system? I do have one request. If (God forbid) there is a next time, could we get some alternate images over the progressive weeks? Poor Ariel and Flounder must really be fried after all that 'dancing', and Sebastian boiling mad that he never got to sing.

With tounge firmly in cheek...

Posted by: Steve Horne at September 10, 2002 11:19 AM

Can you review the Hulk Movie?



Nice to have the site back

Posted by: Paul Jedrzejewska-Selman at September 10, 2002 11:32 AM

WAHOO! The site's up and running again! And on my birthday of all days! What a great present!

Posted by: Glenn Hauman at September 11, 2002 02:54 AM

We had to get the site back up and running.

If we didn't, then the terrorists have alread-- Peter! Put down that cudgel!

Posted by: ObeeKris at September 11, 2002 04:27 AM

Glad to have the site back up. Thank you!!!

Love the title for the "Knight Life" sequel.